SafeTALK Workshop NT
02.03.2024On the 2nd of March SabrinasReach4Life, representatives from Villy Australia & Amity with 2 community members attended a SafeTALK workshop hosted by Anglicare ~ more
Thankyou ~ Christmas Message
08.12.2023SR4L Team & the BBSSGNT Team wish you all a safe Christmas and New Year.
We would like to acknowledge and thank all those who have directly or indirectly generously supported SR4L in 2023.
read more..........Bereaved By Suicide Support Group
07.12.2023Bereaved By Suicide Support Group had our last session for the year on the 6th December with an activity “Therapeutic Art”. This activity was very relaxing and chatting in an informal way about what we were feeling around this time of the year….read more
International Volunteers Day ~ Government House NT
06.12.2023"if everyone did"
SabrinasReach4Life attended a function at Government House on the 4th December in recognition of the Volunteers in the NT. His Honor Professor The Honourable Hugh Peggi PSM gave a welcome appreciation address to the volunteers that attended and to all the volunteers in the NT in their various roles, read more………Casuarina Senior College ~ Healthy Minds Day
03.12.2023On the 1st December we were invited to the CSC Healthy Minds Day in which we held a stall and also presented a workshop. The workshop we presented named R.O.S.E Recognise Our Strengths Everywhere is a project that we are working on for young people to share their story of overcoming their struggles or are struggling via the arts ~ writing, poems, painting, video, animations, photography (the list goes on) on a platform that will be envisioned by young people ages 10 – 25 to support with their mental health, self-care and who cannot share their story in a conventional way….. read more
Bereaved By Suicide Support Group
03.11.2023Our Bereaved By Suicide Support Group had a drumming session with Marina from Head To Health in Darwin. Marina talked about how the rhythm of drumming can help us with our mental health, relax our thoughts and bodies when we are feeling confused or distressed or simply just to unwind. Everyone enjoyed their own unique Rhythm to the Drum.
Reminder~ WSPD Forum 2023 Event ~ Friday 29th September
28.09.2023Welcome to the WSPD Forum 23 event on Friday 29th September at the Mal Nairn Auditorium, CDU Casuarina Campus, Ellengowan Drive, Brinkin.
Commonwealth Bank Australia Darwin ~ Community Donation Program
27.09.2023SR4L was chosen by the Commonwealth Bank Australia Darwin Community Donation Program as the local charity. Jayde Hynes is with Joe today presenting the $500 cheque. We sincerely thank the CBA Darwin Community Donation Program for this donation which will help go towards projects that we are currently working on.
Darwin Middle School ~ Health & Wellbeing Expo
06.09.2023On the 6th of September 2023 SR4L was invited to the Health & Wellbeing Expo at Darwin Middle School for students 12-15years, we also met older students more
Free Community Information Event ~ NEAMI Head to Health~ Postponed
18.08.2023This information session will be about what Head to Health can provide for you through support, referrals and other services or just having a yarn.
Come Talk With Me ~ World Suicide Prevention Day Walk
18.08.2023Come Talk With Me Inc (CTWM) will be hosting on Saturday 30th September in our World Suicide Prevention/Awareness Day Come Walk With Me NT Event. Information stalls from different organizations will also be displayed to let the community know of services available to them.
2023 will be the ninth yearly event held by CTWM for World Suicide Prevention Day.
This year, CWWM have secured the new Gray Community Hall to hold the event in air conditioned premises as it is such a hot time of year.
Good Shepherd Lutheran College ~ Health & Wellbeing Day
06.08.2023On the 4th of August we were invited to present a workshop at Good Shepherd Lutheran College Howard Springs for their Cross Country ~ Colour Run ~ Health & Well Being more
BBSSGNT ~Therapeutic Art Night
03.08.2023On the 2nd August BBSSG had a session group using another way of soul soothing "Therapeutic Art" . We created on what we were feeling at the time and also chatting on what was going on in our lives. Our participants enjoyed the session and we will create again.....
CALM Course
04.06.2023SR4L attended a CALM (Connect Ask Listen Monitor) course on the 3rd June. This course helps you to learn how to understand, respond to and prevent suicide. This evidence-based Australian training program empowers you to have a ‘CALM conversation’ about suicide, reduce stigma, promote help-seeking and save lives… more
Darwin High School Health & Wellbeing Expo
04.06.2023SR4L was invited to attend the Darwin High School Annual Health and Wellbeing Expo held on Friday 2 June at Darwin High School. We met and chatted to students ages from 15 to 18 years, school years 10,11,12 more
CDU Graduation Ceremony
20.05.2023On the 19th May 2023 Charles Darwin University held their Graduation Ceremony at the Darwin Convention Centre in which SR4L Lidia + Bogusia attended. There were 300 + Graduands in Health studies to receive their recognition in their field of study…. read more
Nash Hash ~ Red Dress Run
20.05.2023On the 11th May SabrinasReach4Life joined the Nash Hash Red Dress Run in the NT, the event was an absolute success with over 400 members around the globe registered. Many thanks to Greg Cheryl Clark, Committee & runners for their outstanding effort of $20,471.02 raised for SR4L read more……
Suicide Prevention Australia Conference 2023 ~ Canberra
14.05.2023On the 2nd of May SR4L Lidia & Bogusia attended the SPA conference at the Convention Centre Canberra.
Hosted by Suicide Prevention Australia annually, the 2023 National Suicide Prevention Conference explored the theme of Reconnect, Reform, Reshape as we emerge from the pandemic.
The Conference is the first face-to-face national conference in several years and is anticipated to host 600 delegates. It presents a unique opportunity to bring the brightest minds together and the latest thinking to promote excellence in suicide prevention….. read moreDarwin ~ All Youth Conference
14.04.2023On the 5th of April SR4L attended the “All Youth Conference “ at the Darwin Entertainment Centre with 500 + students attending……read more