Our Vision
To reduce the impact of suicide in our community through peer led support, advocacy, collaboration, information and awareness.
Our Mission
Our objectives are to:
- Become a recognised organisation with lived experience focussed on prevention, intervention, advocacy and support after suicide.
- Promote a love of life, social and emotional wellbeing.
- Provide lived experience peer led support by reaching out to those who are suffering bereavement and trauma from suicide.
- Build resilience and capacity in individuals, families and communities to enhance wellbeing following a suicide.
- Facilitate research in suicide prevention and postvention
- Provide resources and share information in a manner which is responsive, accessible, and easily understood.
- Advocate for systemic change, inform policy development and knowledge in mental health services and those bereaved from suicide in our community.
- Raise public awareness and education about mental health/ illness and reduce the stigma associated with suicide in our community.
- Maintain cooperative links with local, national and international suicide prevention and postvention organisations.
- Actively seek financial support and philanthropic interest to help sustain the on-going operation of the Association.