Sabrina Josephine Di Lembo
1998 ~ 2017
Sabrina was born on 5th May 1998 in Darwin. Sabrina was a healthy, intelligent, warm and much loved young lady who in May 2017 started to suffer from anxiety over her inability to focus on her studies.
Sabrina was a second year law student at Charles Darwin University on two prestigious scholarships and was committed to excel in her studies, and become a lawyer.
Parents Michael and Lidia Di Lembo were so proud of their daughter who enjoyed a healthy life, loved her family and spent free time with her closest friends going to the gym or coffee at local cafes.
At the end of 1st semester in 2017, Sabrina unexpectedly started stressing about her exams, could not concentrate on her studies, withdrew from all activity and her friends, did not comprehend why she was feeling so distressed, suffered low self esteem and spiralled into depression.
Her parents actively sought help from GPs and local mental health services. Sabrina really tried to get better but struggled. She was prescribed a sub therapeutic dose of anti depressants which may have contributed to her condition. Sabrina tragically took her life on 7 August 2017, the day of Darwin Cup which she was going to attend with her friends.
A full coronal inquest into her death was held in 2019. Michael, Lidia and family continue to come to terms with the loss of their precious Sabrina. Their life changed forever. They are now dedicated to helping others who are bereaved or caring for loved ones who are in distress or have suicidal ideations. This is from a lived experience and peer support approach only. They are also advocating for better mental health support to be provided to those in need when they need it.