The Bereaved by Suicide Support Group NT (BBSSGNT) meetings offer a safe place for parents, families, friends, colleagues to talk, share, connect and relate with others who have experienced the loss of a loved one to suicide. Meetings are held monthly in an informal setting with the occasional guest speaker attending on topics of interest.

Everyone there will be just like you. The atmosphere is warm and friendly. No one is pressured to speak about their loss. You join in when you are ready to share your lived experience.

Many come and listen for the first few meetings and find comfort in knowing others are experiencing similar trauma and feelings from their loss, and learn how others are surviving and coping.  Come and join with others who understand what you are  experiencing… they too have been there or still going through the journey. It is a place to heal and assist in recovery. 

Our goals

  • Encourage peer support for people affected by the loss of a loved one by suicide.
  • Support those with lived experience to share their insights and stories.
  • Promote resilience and inspire others
  • Provide an open, confidential and non judgemental environment where members feel safe.


Attendance is free.

We have an “Open door” policy where interested people can drop in whenever they choose. The group is intended for people over 18+ years of age. Those under 18 years of age can be accompanied by an adult. Contact us for more information in these situations. 


Guest speakers also present on occasion on topics that are of interest to the group such as dealing with trauma, self care, sleep, anxiety, family relationships.

Facilitation of meetings

At least two facilitators will lead the group discussion. 

Group Guidelines

Guidelines PDF 

Registration Form

Registration Form PDF

When and where are meetings held

When: The 1st Wednesday of every month
Where:  Harry’s Place Administration Building, 1 Willeroo Street (off Henbury Avenue), Tiwi.
Time: From 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Contact: 0491 311 211 

Information on support services in the community and resources will be available at the group meeting.