SabrinasReach4Life Newsletter  ~ 2019 ~


  • Launched the first Bereaved by Suicide Support Group NT in March 2019 which has met on 1st Wednesday of every month @ Harry's Place. Sponsored NT Department of Health, auspiced by Anglicare NT, supported by StandBy Support After Suicide and Harry’s Place.
  • Developed Operating guidelines and resource material for the bereaved, and media promotion on FB, TV, and Radio.
  • Awarded first 3-year Sabrina J Di Lembo Memorial Scholarship at CDU in partnership with CIASS to Ms Catherine Hansen who is completing a Masters in Clinical Psychology valued at $15,000
  • Participated in RUOK day event at Raintree Park leading up to WSPD , Come Walk With Me annual event and StandBy/Thirrili awareness raising event on WSPD
  • Led the establishment of a World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) Planning Committee & developed a Calendar of Events over a period of two weeks. This was supported by NT Department of Health
  • Successfully held a WSPD Breakfast on 5th September, opened by NT Minister for Health, Ms Natasha Fyles, main speaker Ms Bronwyn Edwards CEO of Roses in the Ocean (based in QLD), panel speakers made up of local talent working in the suicide prevention sector and attended by over 130 people. Co-sponsored with NT Department of Health & NT Primary Health Network
  • Committee members attended StandBy “What do I say, What do I do” training.
  • Achieved Incorporation in November following several planning sessions to define our mission and purpose.
  • Community Benefit grant awarded to assist in development of Website for Sabrina'sReach4Life and “One Stop Shop ” Portal with local information to assist navigating local and national suicide prevention and postvention information Joined Suicide Prevention Australia as Associate member
  • Became a member organisation of NT Council of Social Services.
  • Committee completed 2-day ASIST Training delivered by Anglicare NT
NL Pics 2019

Director & CoFounder Activity

  • Appointed member of the StandBy National Lived Experience Advisory Group in March 2019.
  • Participated in multiple Radio Interviews on Suicide prevention and advocacy for suicide prevention and postvention services, including promoting WSPD 2019.
  • Met Frank Quinlan CEO of Mental Health Australia and Ms Christine Morgan CEO of the National Mental Health
  • Commission (now also Suicide Prevention Advisor to the Prime Minister) during visits to Darwin
  • Met with Federal Minister Greg Hunt MP on his visit to Darwin ( after hearing his interview with Katie on 104.9FM). Honored Minister Hunt chose to draw on Sabrina’s story in his opening speech at the National Suicide Prevention Summit on 13 November where over 100 people came together to help government find new and provocative solutions
  • Received a Bursary to attend the Postvention Australia Conference in Sydney and delivered a presentation on Sabrina’s Ride for Life campaign , advocating for serious change in mental health services and support for the bereaved after suicide
  • Awarded a bursary to attend the Suicide Prevention Australia conference in Melbourne. A Report was submitted to sponsors on learnings and recommendations for considerations in NT Held meetings with NT PHN to advocate for those with lived experience to be trained as part of building community capacity in the NT, to assist others bereaved by suicide .
  • Appointed as member and spokesperson to the Postvention Australia(PVA) National Reference Group to assist in developing a new direction for PVA.
  • Attended the Roses in the Ocean – Voices in Action and Voices in Insight programs and part of the Lived Experience Collective.
  • Appointed new Board member of Postvention Australia and attended 1st Board meeting on 7 December.

Our Plans for 2020

  • Seek new Committee members to join SabrinasReach4Life to assist in further progressing our local suicide prevention and postvention activity. If anyone is interested to join please call us on 0491 311 211 to have a chat or email [email protected]
  • Finalise our Website and ”One Stop Shop” Portal.
  • In collaboration with key stakeholders, plan to hold a Suicide Prevention Summit/ Forum in Darwin .
  • Promote and participate in establishing a Suicide Prevention Network/Alliance to share information and collaborate on new initiatives and help identify gaps with possible solutions.
  • Continue to advocate for accessible support and better integration of services for those caring for persons experiencing suicidal ideations and those bereaved by suicide at a local and national level
  • Coordinate research trip by Dr Karl Andriessen from Centre for Mental Health, University of Melbourne, in March 2020 who is conducting research on effects of suicide on bereaved adolescents and parents. Focus group session will be held.

SabrinasReach4Life team would like to acknowledge that Christmas is a challenging time of year for many families who have lost loved ones. If you find you are struggling, you are not alone. Please reach out to family, friends, or a neighbor, or call us on 0491 311 211 or Lifeline on 13 1114.

Thank you to all those that have directly or indirectly been involved and supported our activities during 2019. The success of our organisation is built on the passion and efforts of our supporters and the community.

Thank you for the commitment that each one of you has shown us.


Lidia and the SR4L Team


                    Merry Christmas   &   Happy New Year


            Newsletter 2020