On behalf of the WSPD Forum 2024 Planning Committee thankyou to the MC’s, speakers, trainers, and panelists of which a few came in from inland NT, across the water from TIWI Islands, from interstate, to those for your courage in sharing your stories, to the attendees & volunteers, to all for giving your time to attend. Thankyou to CDU for the amazing venue Gulwa - Austin Asche Hall that was appreciated by all. The NT WSPD events would not be as successful without all of you. This year’s 2 day event was jam packed with many topics, information, workshops & training that we all can take back to those that did not have the opportunity to attend and to spread the word through your networks about the 2 day NT World Suicide Prevention Day Forum 2024

We would like your feedback on the 2 day NT WSPD Forum 2024. Your survey helps us to know what you want, please use the QR Code or link to the " Survey Monkey Feedback Questionnaire ". Thankyou

