Sabrina Josephine

Sabrina Josephine DiLembo

1998 ~ 2017

Sabrina was Michael and Lidia Di Lembo's youngest child and sister to Anthony and Joshua Di Lembo. Sabrina was only 19 years old when she died by suicide on 7 August 2017, after a short period of suffering from anxiety which progressed to depression. 

 “Since we lost Sabrina, we have been in a daze wondering what went wrong, how did this happen to our daughter and to us, looking for answers that will never be resolved. We want to try to help others and give hope that life is worth living, to have courage to trust and speak with family and friends to seek support and not be ashamed or feel like a burden. The immeasurable loss of Sabrina, the profound grief and the devastating impact on everyone who knew her is still being deeply felt. We know the pain will lessen over time but will never go away. We know many other families, particularly in the NT, have lost loved ones to suicide or continue to be impacted by those who suffer from mental illnesses and are at risk of suicide. We know we are not alone, and have committed to speak up and raise awareness by organizing events, which may help in a small way to not only encourage help seeking behaviors but make this issue everyone’s business. Our goal is to raise at least $100,000 for the Black Dog Institute. If funds raised exceed our target of $100,000, then we aim to establish a SJ DiLembo Memorial Scholarship to support a local young person enrolled at Charles Darwin University, and/or support a local organization or initiative dedicated to promote mental health and suicide prevention, we are very grateful for all family, friends and the community who have already generously donated to the Black Dog Institute” said Lidia.